There are several items around the home that people are simply NOT cleaning as often as they should.
This can easily spread illnesses so it’s time to change up our cleaning routines now. Take a look at these and see what things you’ve forgotten to clean in a while:
Cleaning these More Often Will Help Your Family Avoid Illness
Here are the seven everyday items you should be cleaning, but probably aren’t.
1. Light Switches
Light switches are something we touch every day… Most of us turn them on as we enter a room and off when we leave and this is exactly how germs spread. If you live in a household with many people, then there’s a high chance your light switches are germ factories.
If many co-workers do this in the office, then that increases the chance of catching something! Light switches are one of the most contaminated items people touch.
What to do: At least once a week, wipe down your light switches. Personally, I also spray mine with Lysol after I wipe them down. When going into a public place and you need to turn a light on, clean your hands as soon as possible because we touch our faces with our hands regularly and often without realizing it.
2. Remote Controls
Just like light switches, we frequently handle remote controls without a thought about germs. So, the more it’s touched and by more people, the more illness it spreads. In fact, studies have found your remote controls harbored more germs than many other items.
What to do: A simple antibacterial wipe once a week unless there is an illness in the home in which case you may need more.
3. Toothbrushes
Studies have shown that toothbrushes have fecal matter on them, due to the fact of open storing within the bathroom and they say the fecal matter is spread upon flushing of the toilet.
What to do: Don’t store it out in the open. Store toothbrushes where they are not touching, storing them so they can air-dry. If you store it closed immediately after brushing while wet, then it allows the growth of bacteria, which can be just as bad.
4. Hands
We transfer more germs by touching other objects and other people as well as ourselves, and many people, are not washing their hands often enough, if at all.
What to do: We need to be more conscious of handwashing and doing it not just after the bathroom but before and after touching food, activities, even after waking up.
5. Toilet Brush
The problem with the toilet brush isn’t what you think. It’s actually not the brush part but more the handle and the container it sits in.
What to do: Disinfect all areas of the bathroom, including the entire toilet brush, the container as well as the toilet plunger. Some have switched to disposable toilet brushes for cleanliness.
6. Sponges
Oh, the sponge…so many people have already heard these spread germs but they continue to use them.
What to do: First and foremost, I recommend you stop using them. Rags or washcloths can be thrown in the washer in order to cut down on the bacteria.
7. Dishcloth
You use a dishcloth to clean the counters of debris, grease, after food prep and then it usually stays wet for a long period of time allowing the bacteria to breed.
What to do: Wash out dishcloths after each clean of the kitchen and place them in an area where they will be fully washed later.
I hope this list helps you be aware of the places you forget to clean in your home. Hey, no judgment here, I’m guilty of this too!
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