Gardening Basics For Beginners
Growing a garden as a beginner can seem like a daunting task, you may not know where to start, what to do, or you’re unsure of how to keep the fruits of your labor maintained.
These easy tips outline the process to having a full and beautiful garden for beginners.
Know the region
Location is key when starting a garden, where gets the most sun or shade depending on what you’re planning to grow. You’ll also want to make sure to plant according to your region, not all fruits and veggies can grow just anywhere. it’s also a good idea to know what kind of soil you’re working with, pick up a soil home testing kit from Home Depot, Lowe’s, or local garden store. If you’d rather get a professional opinion take the sample to a trusted local nursery.
Start with easy plants
Starting your garden with easy vegetables and flowers will get you used to what the garden will need in order to produce lush fruits and vegetables from your labor.
Easy plants don’t take months and months to sprout and grow so if you need to scrap a few then your hard work won’t feel so bad.
Keep a gardening calendar
This will help you keep track of tasks for growing your garden as a beginner. If you’re going to put down fertilizer in spring; you can mark it on the calendar. In the fall when the weather isn’t so hot, you can start to plant new bulbs.
Use caution when watering
Give an ample amount of water and make sure to water consistently. To be consistent you should water every day. Do a little research on the vegetables and/or fruits you’ve decided to plant to make sure how much water they’ll need so you don’t drown or starve them. To make watering easier be sure a water hose will reach your entire garden so you won’t be lugging heavy buckets of water every day. To tell if a plant may need water simply push your finger in the soil about an inch, if the soil there is dry then it’s time for a good watering.
Keeping up
Taking the time to prune and weed your garden will help keep it maintained and will also put help tune you into what’s needed for a thriving garden. If you notice a plant has stopped growing, take a minute to check the roots, you can do this by digging the underlying soil. If you see the roots are tangled and twisted gently give them a little help and straighten them out, this will allow the roots to spread out and into the soil.
Take note of what’s happening in the garden while the weather changes, this can help keep the insects and bugs away so they do not become problematic to your garden.
You’ll become a pro gardener in no time if you take the advice from these tips. Planting and harvesting a garden is a lot of work but it doesn’t have to be hard and the reward is so worth the knowledge, time, and energy you put into it.
BONUS: Gardening Recommendations
Home soil testing kit – Find out what kind of soil you’re working with
Gardening Calendar – help you keep track of tasks for growing your garden
Looking for more on gardening? Check out these posts:
- The complete guide to growing strawberries in containers
- Plants you can grow, even if you’ve never grown anything before
- Great reasons to start a family vegetable garden this year