Choosing The Best Pet For Your Kid

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Every parent has confronted himself with his child’s desire to own a pet. Even if you agree, you must keep in mind that not every pet is suitable for every person. So read the following to make the best decision for your child.

It would help if you considered your child’s age and the level of responsibility that he will have for the pet.

Remember that the ultimate responsibility for the well-being and health of a pet is the parent but the daily care and affection should be provided by the child.

pets for kids

Having a pet may benefit the emotional development of children but also keep in mind that a little child under six may harm the pet without his intention. So, even if a pet might be considered interesting by your kid, you might need to be present when he handles it.

If you have a preschooler child, consider a guinea pig, a hamster, a fish, or a small bird.

Rabbits are not a very good idea for a little kid because they tend to be active at night or in the morning when the child is asleep or in school.

Try not to buy your little child a reptile because they are likely to infect him with salmonella.

As a parent, you can give some responsibilities to your child in the task of caring for the pet. Some of them may include cleaning the water or food bowls or helping in cleaning the cage after they remove the pet from it.


A small bird might be a good choice for a little child since you have a huge variety of sizes, colors, and personalities to select from. They can be trained by you or your kid into talking and they are also very interactive.

It is not very expensive to have a bird as a pet because it only eats pellets or home food. But pay attention that some of the birds are very fragile and small and might be involuntarily injured. Also, there is a disease named psittacosis that birds can carry and that might affect children.


  • Birds are very social creatures
  • Birds are easily cared for and can be put back in their cages when needed
  • Certain types of birds live for many years


  • Birds are very messy, and cleaning up can be time consuming
  • When disobeying the warning signs, birds can be very mean and bite hard
  • Birds are very loud, and some children do not like the loud shrieking that comes out of birds


One or more fishes represent another option since they are inexpensive and require very low maintenance. They are easy to feed and can be kept in reasonably simple aquariums. The only inconvenience is that the child can’t have one-on-one interaction with his pet.


  • Fish are about the easiest pets to care for
  • Fish require very little social interaction (but this can also be a con)
  • Fish are relatively cheap to buy and take care of
  • Fish come in an array of colors, so finding beautiful fish to fill your aquarium is easy


  • Since fish require little social interaction, they can become boring after a while
  • Changing the water in a tank can be difficult for young children (this means parental help is almost always needed)
  • Some fish are not capable of living together, therefore seek the advice of a sales personnel when buying fish


Guinea pigs and hamsters are pretty inexpensive, require little attention, and are very entertaining. Just give them fresh food and water regularly and keep the house clean.

Some concerns about having a hamster or guinea pig as a pet include the fact that they can bite and they have relatively a short life which can affect the child mentally in some cases.


  • Rodents and small animals can be one of the best types of pets for your younger child
  • Many rodents and small animals are very social and enjoy being handled
  • Certain small animals (such as rabbits or guinea pigs) live for many years
  • Many rodents and small animals are easily available and are cheap to buy


  • Since rodents and small animals are tiny in comparison to other pets, children need to take extra caution when handling them
  • Maintaining a pet rodent or small animal can be time consuming
  • Many rodents or small animals will fight if not introduced at a young age

Dogs & Cats

Dogs and cats are suitable for bigger children as they require much more attention and the risk of the child getting bored of them also doesn’t exist. They are perfect for children that don’t socialize that much because they provide a lot of interaction and fun.



  • Dogs sometimes come already trained
  • Dogs can be one of the best companions because they are highly loyal
  • Dogs live for a relatively long period of time
  • Dogs come in all different sizes and shapes so finding the suitable physical characteristics of a dog should be easy


  • Dogs can be hard to train depending on the age and breed
  • Some breeds of dogs are not social with children and may even be vicious toward them
  • Dogs sometimes act on instinct, meaning that a usually down-to-earth dog can lash out at an instant
  • Dogs can be time-consuming and cost a lot of money
  • Dogs are pretty messy, leaving feces in your yard is dangerous to young children
  • Many children are allergic to dogs



  • Cats usually do not need any form of training
  • Since indoor cats use a litter box, cleaning up after them is a snap
  • Cats (like dogs) live relatively long lives
  • Cats also come in all different breeds, meaning choosing the right cat for your lifestyle is easy


  • Cats who have not been socialized at an early age tend to keep to themselves
  • Cats also act on instinct and easily lash out when angered
  • Cats can cost a lot of money depending on their personal needs
  • Many children are allergic to cats
pets and kid

In conclusion, choosing the best type of pet for your child is the number one way to ensure a happy relationship between your child and animals, and if a happy relationship is present, their memories of that first pet will last a lifetime.

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