Benefits Of The Keto Diet
The keto diet has taken the world by storm and quickly.
Some claim that the keto diet is bad for who decided to take on the lifestyle change because of thoughts that a high-fat diet is bad for cholesterol but in studies, low carb diets prove worthy as a beneficial and healthy boost becoming an easier way of life.
The low carb diet leads to major improvements for heart disease and cholesterol-related risks while providing weight loss results.
A huge benefit to a low carb diet is the reduction of appetite, by cutting out carbs you’re not hungry therefore you’re not pointlessly eating which is what makes the diet so successful.
People who chose a keto diet as opposed to a regular diet end up losing 2-3 times more weight.
The keto diet being a low carb diet helps reduce the water in your body, so a good portion of the weight loss you experience comes from the abdomen.
There are essentially two main types of subcutaneous fat one being visceral fat which accumulates around your abdominal cavity and the second is the fat which lies under the skin. The visceral fat around the abdomen usually hangs out around the organs but excess visceral fat has been associated with insulin resistance and inflammation, this low carb lifestyle has been shown very effective at reducing that harmful abdominal fat.
This loss of weight should also help with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The fat molecules that are found in the bloodstream are called Triglycerides, with the keto diet blood triglycerides are cut dramatically because carb consumption and a sedentary lifestyle are all too often the reason for high triglyceride readings.
The “good” cholesterol in the body is called high-density lipoprotein and the best way to keep the numbers good is to eat a low carb diet.

If a keto diet can increase the good cholesterol then it’s a given it helps reduce the bad cholesterol which is likely to cause heart attacks.
The low carb lifestyle makes your LDL particles larger so there are fewer of the harmful particles in your bloodstream at any time.
A low carb lifestyle might be for you if you’re trying to lower your insulin or blood sugar levels. You should speak to your doctor before first starting a keto diet lifestyle, your doctor may decide to monitor you if you’re on the verge of diabetes.
If your doctor is ok with you switching to a keto diet lifestyle if done right you’ll see a great change in your blood sugar numbers then the doctor may choose to reduce your insulin dosage. Your doctor may also monitor you closely to prevent hypoglycemia.
A keto diet is effective against metabolic syndrome, metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of heart disease. A few of the symptoms to watch for and tell your doctor about are high triglycerides, blood sugar levels elevated even with fasting, low “good” high-density lipoprotein, or elevated blood pressure.
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