40 Ridiculously Fun Bug Crafts for Kids

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Super Fun Bug Craft Ideas For Kids This Summer – During the summertime, we spend a lot more time outside and enjoying nature. The birds are out, wild animals can often be seen when you head into the woods, and bugs are always around too!

Seeing all of the different types of bugs and insects can spark your child’s interest and lead to some very interesting conversations.

Once your child is inspired by all they have seen, bring them back indoors to cool off and create some of these fun bug crafts.

While they are busy having fun creating, don’t forget to share fascinating bug facts and to teach them that many critters actually have a useful purpose!

Photo Credit: “The Cutest Stinkin Ladybug Hotel ” by Pink Fortitude

How stinkin’ cute is this? The Pink Fortitude taught me a lot about ladybugs that I never knew before. After reading her tutorial post, I have decided that every garden needs a ladybug hotel!

This 100% sustainable and organic material made hotel entices lovely little ladybugs to hang around for a little while instead of flying away, and you want them to stay!

Keeping ladybugs can help combat aphids and other destructive pests — even fleas! One ladybug consumes upwards of sixty pests a day! Learn how to get ladybugs to stay in your yard by creating a cute hotel for them HERE.

Photo Credit: “Rock Garden Caterpillar” by Nellie Bellie

Before you head back inside to learn about bugs, have each child grab a few rocks to paint! This super cute Rock Caterpillar can be made with paint you already have laying around in your craft room or garage!

Once your cute project is dry, think about letting your little ones use the rocks as a play-set instead of gluing all of the caterpillar body together! They are an adorable block alternative that little hands will love to grasp!

Hurry over to Nellie Bellie to find out what you need to complete this fun bug craft project HERE.

Photo Credit: “Green Bug Slime” by Mom Luck

Oh! My! SLIME! Your kids already go crazy when they see slime, but when you add bugs into the mix, they will not be able to contain themselves! This fun, slimy gross mess is a great way to keep a group entertained for hours.

Stuck inside on a rainy day? Make green bug slime! Can’t go outside because of the heat wave? Make green bug slime!

Mom Luck provides you in-depth details on how to make your own slime from common ingredients you have around your home and kitchen. Grab the recipe for Green Bug Slime HERE.

Photo Credit: “Golf Ball Ladybug” by Turning The Clock Back

Do you have too many golf balls laying around in your craft supplies? Turn that old thing into something new AND CUTE! Turning the Clock Back has the perfect project for all of your unwanted golf balls — ladybugs!

You should turn old, unwanted golf balls into cute hand-painted ladybugs! They are adorable!

Afterward, you can set them in your garden as a decoration, print titles and use them to keep track of your spring garden vegetables, or give a set of bug golf balls to the kids for their own golf bag!

There are so many options with what to do with them, but you have to make your ladybugs first! Jump over for the full tutorial HERE.

Photo Credit: “Easy Paracord Dragonfly” by Red Ted Art

Paracord has gained popularity over the last several years due to the fact that it is so versatile. Creatives have used paracord to knot together bugs, animals, and all sorts of figures!

Recently, I’ve seen frogs, butterflies, turtles, and dragonflies all made from paracord, and they look so neat!

If you love dragonflies, check out this Paracord Dragonfly tutorial from Red Ted Art! Hop over to make a list of your supplies and read all of her tips to making this cute critter HERE.

40 Fun Bug Crafts for Kids

Is your child on a BIG bug kick? Click on the links below to read the tutorials for more than forty fun critter crafts!

I’ve even included a few links for recipes AND free printables too! Please leave a comment letting my friends know you found them at ACrazyFamily.com!

  1. Bug Magnets by The Country Chic Cottage
  2. Pinecone Butterfly by Inspiration Made Simple
  3. Easy Paper Butterfly by Red Ted Art
  4. Egg Carton Caterpillars by Skip To My Lou
  5. Candy Butterflies by Mom Endeavors
  6. Craft Stick Dragonfly by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  7. Butterfly Straw Shooters by Inspiration Made Simple
  8. Ladybug Tic Tac Toe by Chicken Scratch NY
  9. Popsicle Stick Lizards by Mama To 6 Blessings
  10. Bumblebee Garden Stake by Coffee With Us 3
  11. Butterfly Finger Knitting by Red Ted Art
  12. Lady bug Hotel by Pink Fortitude
  13. Crepe Paper Butterfly by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  14. Ladybug Whimsy by Mainly Homemade
  15. 3D Paper Lady Bug by Crafting Reality
  16. Green Bug Slime by Mom Luck
  17. Bottle Cap Lady Bug Magnet by Suburbia Unwrapped
  18. Golf Ball Lady Bug by Turning the Clock Back
  19. Toilet Paper Roll Dragonfly by Red Ted Art
  20. Hungry Caterpillar Craft by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  21. Coffee Filter Ladybug by Look were Learning
  22. Homemade Sidewalk Chalk by Finding Zest
  23. Thumbprint Bug Art Flower Pot by Mom Always Finds Out
  24. Butterfly Button Art by Or So She Says
  25. Upcycled Herb Planter by Pillar Box Blue
  26. A is for Ant by Eating Richly
  27. Accordion Fold Paper Butterfly by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  28. Handprint Butterfly by A Mom’s Inspiration
  29. Paracord Dragonfly by Red Ted Art
  30. Stick and Leaf Butterfly Craft by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  31. Paper Towel Butterfly by Hustle Mom Repeat
  32. Rock Garden Caterpillar by Nellie Bellie
  33. Paper Towel Butterfly by Skip To My Lou
  34. Pipe Cleaner Snail by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  35. Button And Pipe Cleaner Caterpillar by Coffee With Us 3
  36. Stick Bug by Mom Endeavors
  37. Butterfly Finger Puppets by Or So She Says
  38. Toilet Paper Roll Mini Beast by Red Ted Art
  39. Toilet Roll Butterfly by Look Were Learning
  40. Critter Cave by Mama To 6 Blessings

BONUS Worksheets & Recipes:

  1. Find The Bugs Worksheet by Aimee Geroux
  2. Bug Theme Pom Pom Match Game (Worksheet) by Artsy Craftsy Mom
  3. Peanut Butter Bumble Bees Recipe by Eating Richly
  4. Ladybug Dirt Cupcake Recipe by Arts and Crackers
  5. Tangerine Butterfly Snack by Eating Richly
fun bug crafts for kids

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One Comment

  1. Hi Vickie – What a fun roundup, especially to teach kids about our buggy friends. PINNED!!! Thank you soooo much for featuring my ladybug hotel. My heart is full of gratitude. Hugs, Holly

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